The Waiting Game
Lists are a part of life, especially nowadays. When Renee and I heard to get on rides at Disneyland you needed to be placed on a list. Ha, wait lists to enjoy rides! We had been there with our boys in 1988 and there was not much an issue getting on rides but a lot has changed since then.
Now that I’m on the waiting list for a heart transplant I’m learning a little about patience and hope. In this “want it now world” of course I have no choice but to wait yet sometimes it’s not easy.
How long is the usual wait at level 4 on the heart list, a month or a year? What if my heart gets worse? What if I get Covid? Ya, we asked the transplant team these and more questions and the answer is simple, one day at a time. Of course I always will do my best, it’s my job, my responsibility to my wonderful wife and boys.
I guess to sum up daily life with a list looming over daily living is to live life the best we can. I do this by deliberate choices, enjoying Gods gift of life and accepting each day, even on a waiting list.