Escape To Home

Over a lifetime of hospital stays, I mean a lot, there is one common denominator that ties all stays together, the all important discharge.

When first admitted I always have the getting out scenario floating in my little mind. Aka, the exit strategy, it sometimes feels like the elusive dream! The issue with all hospitals it’s like pulling teeth to get everyone on board, doctors, nurses, pharmacy and hospital supervisors. There’s lab work, discharge planning, home health planning, physical planing and seemingly plans to make plans, whew I’m getting dizzy thinking about it all!

I started the discharge yesterday at 10 am, Renee and I exited Stanfords 500 P hospital at 6 pm with just enough to drive over to the Pavillon Pharmacy that closes at 6:30! After all the days issues we were home by 8 pm, did I mention were HOME!!!!!!

So now home I’m registered as #4 on the heart transplant list which is down from 3 but alas I’m home! Me, Renee and our 2 kitties!

Cody Rasmussen
International advertisement and editorial photographer based in New York City.

The Battle Of Health vs Sickness


Should I Stay Or Should I Go?