Good Morning World
I thought I might mention the state of life today, at least for Renee and myself.
Yes, life often can be tough and for some it is often a daily struggle, but does it need to be a hard life? We all face troubles, struggles and even some massive battles but maybe, just maybe we can manage to find a bit of good in these times?
Renee and I have been through some really tough times, battles and yes, even not the best attitudes but we have learned to find our hope and hold on to it like there’s no tomorrow. Our hope is in our Lord Jesus, without Him I know we could easily give in and get stuck in the frustrating daily misery..
Our newest battle is working on getting my body healed up from the heart transplant, which I thought would be fairly easy. It’s not that things are falling apart but some issues I never expected. For some reason my body is short on replenishing blood cells. Post transplant patients don’t get blood transfusions unless dire circumstances. The seemingly main problem is the immune suppressant medications are causing so many problems that daily life is a struggle.
Fatigue, weak muscles, lack of hunger, short of breath and the ever present lack of blood seems to be life’s focus if we let it. The good part is we try to ignore the best we can and go forward.
A lot of prayers have been answered and our trust is growing in Jesus, the doctors a good but it’s just a job for them. Renee is and always been amazing, faithful and strong! Easy for her, no way! She battles just as much as I do if not more! I’m a handful to help get through all this.
I think I can sum up all this with some thoughts. This is transplant #3 for us but all previous surgeries don’t seem to count. I’m 63 years old, not 28. There is always different circumstances including problems and truthfully I have forgotten about the first two transplants problems!
Bottom line for Renee and I is we will always do our best, continue after Jesus while enjoying one another. We have each day given to us so why would we not try our best to smile regardless of what’s going on around us?
Visit to Emergency @ Stanford, blood infection.