The Call
Yesterday evening while eating our dinner Stanford Hospital called. This happens a lot in regards to meds, appointments or stuff of the sort but we are always hoping for That Call. The call that says they have a heart for me! When this call came I was on my second burrito for dinner and I was just expecting,another med change or reschedule, this call instead was THE CALL,
I was slightly shocked, well ok, “YIKES“! The woman calling was so nice but I could tell time was ticking, there is a heart that was perfect for me, and I would need to be up to Stanford within an hour if everything works out.
She asked when the last time I had eaten, oops! She asked me to stop the dinner and hold on any of my meds. She would call me back within an half hour for final go or no-go. Renee and i could hardly believe this, so exciting yet kinda real too. Talking about things is one thing, doing them is another! When the rubber meets the road it’s hard to turn back! We did a light packing for me, called immediate family, WOW!
40 minutes later she called, it was a no go. She was very apologetic but my main heart doc made the call that this particular new heart would be too small for me. I assured this woman calling that all is well and we understood. She said she hoped she would be calling again soon with another offer. Both Renee and I were numb and kind of bummed. Even though this would have been awesome getting the correct heart is more important. We trust the transplant teams decision, we trust Gods timing even more.
Everyday is a new day! A good day! Maybe tomorrow or later but it will happen and we are thankful for what we have with each other every moment.
We’re so thankful for life!