It’s Behind us

The lines of Covid testing

part 1

We all know and forever will remember the early chaotic days of Covid. Actually there are still people in it or have lost loved ones because of it. I am sorry and continue to pray for these people. The following is mine & Renee’s outlook with Covid…

It would be awesome to say out aloud “Covid is behind us”, we made it, but did we? I think we can all see the huge toll people have been through even if it’s not seen on one another’s face. The world has been reshaped in so many ways both good and bad regardless if we like it or not.

Both Renee and I feel greatly relieved that the core of the fight is past us all. We look back and we’re truly thankful in not catching the virus even being around hospitals so much. One time I was hospitalized in the middle of all this and there was a Covid ward literally right next to where I was in-patient for over a month. I thank God for our protection everyday. Covid is and was real and very much more potent than the flu in such a short time- line and much more deadly. This was what stirred those of us that have compromised immune systems. The idea of getting Covid for us ment serious if not deadly consequences! It seemed healthy people did well even if they contracted Covid. Youth is a blessing, our two sons had contracted it and in fact our Son whom lives in NY had it three times along with his girl friend. My sister battled it 4 times but then again, she’s a pirate. Overall those with a healthy immune system seemed to overcome without serious complications.

At the time this virus first made its debut Renee and I didn’t know anything other than It was a killer, kinda scary. We knew it was serious for me not to get it at all costs and we would need to take huge measures in defense against it. This virus came seemingly over night and information was very confusing! Mostly we learned to mask up. Mask, masks and oh ya, always wear masks! I think this is what bothered people the most, masks must be worn outside, inside and if you didn’t, well yes, you’re gonna get “THE COVID”! Arrggg it’s in the air everywhere, don’t go outside and if you must then wear a mask and stay away from mankind by a 6 foot distance! So yes, a mask and a measuring tape.

Ok, this was not really true! But back then who really knew? Everything was off-kilter, we didn’t know! Even the medical system seemed confused. To make things worse in the first days of Covid I woke up one morning and couldn’t catch a breath! I was weirdly congested and I self diagnosed myself with killer Covid, I knew it! I called the local med center and they told me to come in. Upon arrival we were greeted by a most empty parking lot, locked front doors and no one around….to be continued…..



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