It’s Here, The Instant Perfect Healthy Body! Not You Steve Rasmussen, You Take 3 Steps Back!

Truly this is the human way, I want it and I want it now! Oh ya, I don’t really want to work for it. Ha, isn’t it bizarre how this sounds so crazy but if you look at how advertising is so effective we can see it’s sway on seemingly normal people? What if we set aside the things others have and go with what we can attain in reality? There is nothing wrong with making a plan and working hard at staying with it. Can we be happy with ourselves on the inside and outside even if it’s not what the world call perfect?

When I was a young and kind of healthy I worked hard as a cabinet maker thus had a decent amount of strength. I lifted and carried heavy amounts of heavy loads all day long and it felt good to think of myself as strong. Then it was as if Cystic Fibrosis grabbed me up overnight.

I saw it happen right in front of me, I lost weight, I lost muscle and I felt as if everything was slipping away. Before I knew it I became unable to do much of anything. My life was in total survival mode and I eventually even started losing that. There was no exercise, minimal attempts to walk and breathing became my focus.

Fast forward to heart and lungs transplant, I was a new and improved Steve! What CF took I worked hard and regained. I was given a new chance at life and I took it! When Renee and I were offered the chance for me to compete in the 1989 transplant Olympics we were so excited, who would have thought I could do something like this?

I guess the point is never give up on health and physical abilities. If someone is robbed by disease, cancer or whatever else can afflict us, we do what we possibly can to keep yourself going. Over weight, under weight or even on full time oxygen, we can still make a plan to move forward! Wheel chair, lack of sight or even on full time I.V. Infusions we can still get off the couch and stretch and lift 1 lb barbells.

One time I was in the hospital for chemotherapy causing my stomach acids to leak into my chest cavity. While in the hospital my heart stopped, best place to be at for this, and they revived me thank the good Lord. Within three days I was walking laps around the heart unit with 4 separate I.V. Pumps on the I.V. pole clambering along with me.

It’s all about doing what we can when we can. So this NEW YEARS let’s not procrastinate and get our body moving! Walk, run or just moving around in a hospital bed. Anything is better than nothing! If we can take 30 steps today do the same tomorrow! Build off what’s safe and see it expand and enjoy.

The smallest effort is like putting water on a seed, ya just gotta start somewhere!

Have a Merry Christmas, maybe ask for a resistance band…. Happy New Year, and let it be a fun exercise filled time…..

Our son Cody, Renee & myself


It’s Beginning To Look Like Christmas…..


It’s Behind us