It’s Beginning To Look Like Christmas…..

It’s that time, the time where family’s get together, children are happier than ever and cannot wait another moment to open their presents. Of course we can never overlook the wonderful aroma of sumptuous delights, pies, cakes, turkey & ham floating from the kitchen. It’s cold out but the home is warm & ready to greet happy guests including some we haven’t seen for perhaps years! This is Christmas as it should be. We praise our wonderful Lord for life itself, truly what a wonderful life this is!

Amongst the family joy, children’s glee and all the decorations both inside and out, something may be missing? It could be a family member or someone you know. It could be yourself, unable to be home at all. Sadness, it sneaks in and attempts to rob life regardless of the season.

This can be an exceptionally hard time for anyone so this is where our chance is, we can reflect Gods love to everyone and especially toward those in pain from loss, hurt, depression and any other struggle. We can be that light, we possibly can be a help to the hurting or maybe be that prayer warrior in the background, someone steadfastly praying for a miracle for one in need. God is real, His Son Jesus is there for us! He’s waiting for us to call upon His mighty name in faith!

May this Christmas be our chance too step beyond ourselves. Can we put our trust in Him who calls us and step forward to those in pain and show Love. Isn’t that why we are here?

Merry Christmas good people. I hope for your Christmas to be filled with love & happiness .


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