In our current days we are a rushed and burden carrying people. If money isn’t short each month there’s relationship strains, emotional stress, peer pressure, prejudices, fears and of course health battles just to name a few. I do not know of a single family that’s above the normal of what we call life.
As a child growing up I was sick with cystic fibrosis yet I never shared with anyone what I battled. It was very serious for me to keep this a secret that even my closest friends hadn’t a clue. Why did I hide all this during my whole childhood ? The biggest answer was I believed nobody would understand and tease me along with making me feel less than. This was such a burden on me I became fairly skilled at the living the lie even up to my beginning relationship with my soon to be wife Renee. Even as I write this I feel embarrassed, I was living a fake and totally false lie of a life!
Fast forward to life nowadays, I hide mostly nothing! It’s like the veil of lies was lifted and now I see, I live life with what I have been given and its beautiful, even in sickness. My faith in God allows me choices, I choose to love my neighbor the best I can regardless of how easy it is.
In our hospital visits, stays and surgery’s Renee and I have seen too much sickness everywhere. Yes so many others suffering, both Renee and I each feel the burden for the suffering. If we as humans try to look beyond the surface of what has shaped us individually we will see the person. The person that is just like you, me and every single human walking the earth.
Whether skin color, cancer, disfigurement, life style preference, incarceration or homelessness including the best of the best days, none of us is different from one another.
Each of us are a blink of an eye away from issues, let us all show the courtesy & respect we learned from our parents and families to each other, they deserve it and after all, we are manKIND…